Thanks to Guido for hosting today's LiveChat where the windowlickers gather for Wednesday's PMQs.
Another subdued session today with Red Ed not really landing any punches, although Michael White was spinning like Lord HawHaw on amphetamine on Twitter today.
Billy Bowden: Pink tie by Clegg
iainmartinwsj: @JohnRentoul @martinbeckford Hague wins, as usual, on the neckwear front
iainmartinwsj: RT @amolrajan: and i know i bang on about it every week, but Osborne's tie is unforgivable
John M Ward: Odd orange stripe on his tie...
Dick Scratcher: Hain Pantone Reference : 815B (Mouldy Satsuma)
joncraig: Looks like Sally Bercow in gallery above Govt side of chamber for PMQs. Bright red dress and red tights. Gazing adoringly at hubby John!
Dick Scratcher: LATEST: Al Megrahi’s mobile has just died.
John M Ward: I think that whatever ends up happening with forests, Cameron is lumbered with the eventual decision...
Dick Scratcher: She takes up two postcodes
Billy Bowden: thanks Guido , wonder if a question on world class cancer care in lybia will make it?
Sue Denim: Harman's on Jury Duty - wonder if the crim will be someone she knows?
Dorian Smith: Wonder if Ozzy will have his "these are not the droids you're looking for" look this week
no longer anonymous: osborne grinning like a gimp
Dorian Smith: Is that Servelan from Blakes 7 to the left of Red Ed?
missing bogey picker: about time Lord Haw-Haws fate befell Michael White
iainmartinwsj: Who on earth scalped Mili E?! Haircut too short - like Elvis after they put him in the US army.
Ed But Look Balls: Ed Balls looks like he's squeezing out an SBD fart!
genghiz the khan: red ed like a rabbit stuck in front of a lorry
sophyridge: Ed Miliband's white patch seems to be turning into a white stripe...
journodave: Gosh this is about as boring as a Mumford and Sons album.
mrsspeakernaked: i don't like seeing DC a bit flustered by the funny man opposite with a nasal listhp. I blame the cat
joncraig: Sally Bercow laughs again when hubby John says he wants to hear from Nicholas Soames, who looks like he's had a two black pudding breakfast.
Dick Scratcher: The Wardrobe with his key.
Dick the Prick: Put down that goose pie
C4politics: RT @cathynewman: Sally bercow watching pmqs from public gallery, dressed in more than a sheet
The Enormous Community: one in one out ? it's Dave's Prison policy
Tuscan Tony: Do Labour have a deckchair rearrangement policy?
Dick Scratcher: Anal Duncan sat on a pleaser
John M Ward: Grayling in a Gray suit...
Dick Scratcher: LATEST: Al Megrahi’s mobile has just died.
Tuscan Tony: To be buried with his tortoise, DS.
MrHarryCole: My favorite ever cabbie sourced story was one about Ed Balls brushing Gordon Brown's hair on the way to a restaurant.
Tuscan Tony: moral compost?
Billy Bowden: Is Gordon in the Chamber?
Spank Sinatra: Yes Billy - the chamber pot
paulwaugh: Heckle of the Day. Lab MPs shout "Timber!" as PM says he not happy w forest sell-off policy.
John M Ward: I think that whatever ends up happening with forests, Cameron is lumbered with the eventual decision...
genghiz the khan: Is Hazel doing her own signs for the deaf?
Dick Scratcher: Cable discussing the 2.30 at Chepstow
The Enormous Community: The Big Society isn't Big enough for Pickles
Dick Scratcher: She takes up two postcodes
journodave: Theresa May appears to be wearing your nan's curtains from 1973
Implications of the Moss Battery Plant Fire
4 hours ago
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