Monday 9 March 2009

The curse of Jonah strikes again

One minute Gordon is telling congress that Kennedy is to receive an honoury knighthood:

“Northern Ireland today is at peace,” Brown said. “More Americans have health care. Children around the world are going to school. And for all those things, we owe a great debt to the life and courage of Senator Edward Kennedy.”

Next minute, all hell breaks loose in Northern Ireland...




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And still nobody's ever drowned in any case of waterboarding by the CIA; Sen. Kennedy's criticisms of that practise notwithstanding.
    He and the PM - two treasures.

  3. "And still nobody's ever drowned in any case of waterboarding by the CIA; Sen. Kennedy's criticisms of that practise notwithstanding.
    He and the PM - two treasures".

    Sorry drowing only occurs when you drive cars off bridges into rivers.
